Monday, February 22, 2010

HW Extension

It has come to my attention that the monomial ideals problem that I assigned is much easier with one more lemma under your belt. So, what I propose is that I extend the homework deadline to Thursday of this week, and add the lemma as an exercise that makes the rest of your homework much easier. It will also be useful at various points in the course.

Let I be an ideal of k[x_1,...,x_n]. Suppose that I has the property that for any f in I, every term of f also is in I. Show that I is a monomial ideal.

One can view this as the converse to Lemma 3 in section 2.4 of IVA; it is assigned as problem 1 in the exercises in that section. In some texts, this is the definition of a monomial ideal.

So, to recap, homework is now due on Thursday Feb 25th, and proving the preceding lemma is added to the list of assigned problems. This lemma should be extremely useful in the problem on sums, intersections, and radicals of monomial ideals, especially the radical problem. One can fumble through the sums and intersections problems without it, but trying the radical problem without it requires significantly more mathematical stamina.

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